DAY 10

Christmas with the Church

(Based on one of the reflections from the Church of England)

At the heart of the first Christmas, there are lots of people.

Mary, Joseph, Jesus and when joined by Shepherds, Magi, angels and possibly an innkeeper we’ve got the familiar nativity scene. But there were others, John the Baptist, Zechariah, Elizabeth, Anna, Simeon, and even Herod.

As we journey towards Christmas to celebrate the past and future coming of the King and His kingdom, we do so with others.

Friends and family, are important.

So is the church.

Bible Reading:

22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

-      Ephesians 1:22-23

Amy Boucher Pye writes in her book ‘Celebrating Christmas’:

“This is church - the beautiful, broken, loving, hurting, rejoicing group of people, all made in God’s image and beloved by Him. The gift of the church is something we enjoy only because Jesus came to earth as a baby, living and dying as one of us and then being resurrected by His Father.

Why not take some moments to ponder the gift of church – those you love seeing regularly and those who send you to your knees in prayer. May we accept this rich but sometimes messy gift with grace, gratitude and joy”

A Prayer:

Christ Jesus, you are the head of the church and we are your body.

Father God, you deign to use us as your feet and your fingers!

Strengthening Spirit, you help us to love those whom we enjoy and those times when we find others irritating as you equip us to share your good news of great joy.

May we experience your love more fully this Christmas so that we can extend it even more generously to others, those in the church - and those we hope will join us.


-      Adapted from a prayer by Amy Boucher in Celebrating Christmas

An Activity

Many people have a Nativity scene to help them remember the Christmas story. Here’s a simple or complicated one you could cut out and colour.