I need help

Church Support

  1. In an emergency please contact: Revd Kit Gunasekera (Vicar) Tel: 020 7652 0882 Email: office@stjamesclapham.org.uk

  2. Prayer and Chat If you would like to have a chat please contact:
    Revd Kit Gunasekera 020 7652 0882 or;
    email: office@stjamesclapham.org.uk

  3. Norwood and Brixton Foodbank

    To get help please check their website here. If you phone them they will take you through how to receive a voucher, which you will need to access the foodbank service. The voucher will be sent to you via email or text and the food parcel will be delivered to your home. Telephone: 020 8675 7661

  4. Services If you would like to join us for an online service you are very welcome. Please subscribe to our general e-news to receive a link to click on and join the service; or email office@stjamesclapam.org.uk

Lambeth Council Support

  1. Lambeth Council General helpline number is 020 7926 1000

  2. Lambeth Council’s Emergency Numbers can be found here.

  3. Financial help, benefits, employment support and housing advice click here

  4. Health, including Mental Health - here

  5. Domestic Violence and Abuse Advice - here

  6. Lambeth Safeguarding Services

    About a child or young person
    Professional line: 020 7926 3100
    Public line: 020 7926 5555 (24 hours)

    About an adult at risk
    Professional line: 020 7926 5555 (24 hours)
    Public line: 020 7926 5555 (24 hours)
    Email: adultsocialcare@lambeth.gov.uk

National Advice and Helplines

  1. The 24/7 National Domestic Abuse helpline, which offers support to victims and people affected by domestic abuse, is free to call on 0808 2000 247.

  2. Child-line: 0800 1111 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are a child or young person and are worried about anything.

  3. NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are worried about a child.

  4. Samaritans Helpline: 116 123 (open 24 hours). Phone if you feel you are struggling to cope and need someone to talk to.

  5. Action on Elder Abuse - Hour Glass Helpline: 080 8808 8141 ( free phone Monday to Friday 9- 5pm).

  6. The Respect Phoneline provides confidential advice and support to help perpetrators stop being violent and abusive, and is free to call 0808 8024040

  7. Men’s Advice Line: 0808 801 0327 a confidential helpline for male victims of domestic violence and those supporting them www.mensadviceline.org.uk

  8. Karma Nirvana: 0800 5999 247 Mon to Fri 9am–5pm supporting victims of honour based abuse and forced marriage www.karmanirvana.org.uk

  9. Galop LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 999 5428; www.galop.org.uk