Come closer

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - John 1:1

I recently watched an episode of ‘Who do you think you are?’ tracing the ancestry of TV presenter and comedian Josh Widdicombe. He joked that he thought the programme would end up being about farmers (no disrespect to farmers intended), and it was fun to watch him become more and more incredulous as he learned that his 13th great-grandmother was likely to have been the child of Mary Boleyn and King Henry V111.

It struck me how the historian’s tools for taking Josh further and further back in time were simply written documents and how each new document drew him closer and closer, not merely to stories about people in the past, but to ‘his’ past. He’s not likely to forget his connection to the English throne!

At the beginning of John’s gospel, Jesus is described as ‘The word’, quite a concept, and as being ‘In the beginning…’

I think Jesus Christ is like one of those documents, a living word, inviting us to come closer in and be part of the history of love.