The Messenger

Angels appear to almost all the familiar characters in the nativity. Their messages changed the lives of Mary, Zachariah, Joseph and the Shepherds. Some of their appearances were dramatic and others seemed more ‘natural', such as in dreams.

They were specific messages given at a specific time. And angels may still carry messages to help us today.

At a St James’ Zoom coffee morning a while ago, we shared together times when we had felt God’s ‘messengers’ or ‘angels’ helping us. Many of us shared that these times felt like strong inner prompts like deciding to change our plans on a particular day which meant we were able to receive a phone call from someone we hadn’t heard from in a long time and that we could help; or a voice of alert, ‘be careful here’ and realising there was an obstacle that we would easily have overlooked. There were also instances of angels being seen to physically guard people.

However, God has now sent us a message not for one individual in a specific time or place, but a message for all of us throughout all time.

Hebrews says:

1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.
- Hebrews 1:1-2

Sometimes people say, I’ve never felt ‘called’ by God, or, God hasn’t called me or made himself known to me, but the Bible tells us, all of us are called. The message is for all of us.

There's a famous painting, which depicts Jesus as a figure knocking on a door with a lamp in his hand, called 'The Light of the World.’ Hebrews is telling us that he knocks on every door irrespective of the place or who is inside.